Source code for

from dataclasses import dataclass

    from importlib.resources import files as resource_path
except ImportError:
    from importlib_resources import files as resource_path

from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

    from typing import Literal
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import Literal

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import yaml

from bioframe import make_viewframe

__all__ = ["assemblies_available", "assembly_info"]

ASSEMBLY_METADATA_ROOT = resource_path("") / "data"

[docs] @dataclass class GenomeAssembly: """ A dataclass containing information about sequences in a genome assembly. """ organism: str provider: str provider_build: str release_year: str seqinfo: pd.DataFrame cytobands: pd.DataFrame = None url: str = None alias_dict: Dict[str, str] = None def __post_init__(self): self.alias_dict = {} alias_lists = self.seqinfo["aliases"].str.split(",") names = self.seqinfo["name"] for aliases, name in zip(alias_lists, names): for alias in aliases: self.alias_dict[alias] = name @property def chromsizes(self) -> pd.Series: return self.seqinfo.set_index("name")["length"] @property def chromnames(self) -> List[str]: return self.seqinfo["name"].tolist() @property def viewframe(self) -> pd.DataFrame: return make_viewframe(self.chromsizes.to_dict()) def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"GenomeAssembly(organism='{self.organism}', provider='{self.provider}', " f"provider_build='{self.provider_build}', " f"release_year='{self.release_year}', ...)" )
[docs] def assemblies_available() -> pd.DataFrame: """ Get a list of available genome assembly metadata in local storage. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame A dataframe with metadata fields for available assemblies, including 'provider', 'provider_build', 'default_roles', 'default_units', and names of seqinfo and cytoband files. """ with open(ASSEMBLY_METADATA_ROOT / "_assemblies.yml") as f: assemblies = yaml.safe_load(f) return pd.DataFrame.from_records(assemblies)
[docs] def assembly_info( name: str, roles: Optional[Union[List, Tuple, Literal["all"]]] = None, units: Optional[Union[List, Tuple, Literal["all"]]] = None, ) -> GenomeAssembly: """ Get information about a genome assembly. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the assembly. If the name contains a dot, it is interpreted as a provider name and a build, e.g. "hg38". Otherwise, the provider is inferred if the build name is unique. roles : list or tuple or "all", optional Sequence roles to include in the assembly info. If not specified, only sequences with the default sequence roles for the assembly are shown. e.g. "assembled", "unlocalized", "unplaced" units : list or tuple or "all", optional Assembly units to include in the assembly info. If not specified, only sequences from the default units for the assembly are shown. e.g. "primary", "non-nuclear", "decoy" Returns ------- GenomeAssembly A dataclass containing information about the assembly. Raises ------ ValueError If the assembly name is not found or is not unique. Examples -------- >>> hg38 = assembly_info("hg38") >>> hg38.chromsizes name chr1 248956422 chr2 242193529 chr3 198295559 ... ... >>> assembly_info("hg38", roles=("assembled", "non-nuclear")) >>> assembly_info("ucsc.hg38", units=("unplaced",)) """ assemblies = assemblies_available() provider = None if "." in name: provider, name = name.split(".", 1) provider = provider.lower() if provider is None: q = f"provider_build == '{name}'" else: q = f"provider == '{provider}' and provider_build == '{name}'" result = assemblies.query(q) if len(result) == 0: raise ValueError(f"Assembly not found: {name}") elif len(result) > 1: raise ValueError(f"Assembly identifer not unique: {result}") assembly = result.iloc[0].replace([np.nan], [None]).to_dict() default_roles = assembly["default_roles"] default_units = assembly["default_units"] seqinfo_path = assembly["seqinfo"] seqinfo = pd.read_table(ASSEMBLY_METADATA_ROOT / seqinfo_path) mask = np.ones(len(seqinfo), dtype=bool) if roles is None: mask &= seqinfo["role"].isin(default_roles) elif isinstance(roles, (tuple, list)): mask &= seqinfo["role"].isin(roles) elif isinstance(roles, str) and roles != "all": raise ValueError(f"roles must be a tuple or 'all', not {roles}") if units is None: mask &= seqinfo["unit"].isin(default_units) elif isinstance(units, (tuple, list)): mask &= seqinfo["unit"].isin(units) elif isinstance(units, str) and units != "all": raise ValueError(f"units must be a tuple or 'all', not {units}") seqinfo = seqinfo.loc[mask] cytobands = None cytobands_path = assembly["cytobands"] if cytobands_path is not None: cytobands = pd.read_table(ASSEMBLY_METADATA_ROOT / cytobands_path) return GenomeAssembly( organism=assembly["organism"], provider=assembly["provider"], provider_build=assembly["provider_build"], release_year=assembly["release_year"], seqinfo=seqinfo, cytobands=cytobands, url=assembly["url"], )