Source code for bioframe.core.arrops

import re
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

def natsort_key(s, _NS_REGEX=re.compile(r"(\d+)", re.U)):
    return tuple([int(x) if x.isdigit() else x for x in _NS_REGEX.split(s) if x])

def natsorted(iterable):
    return sorted(iterable, key=natsort_key)

def argnatsort(array):
    array = np.asarray(array)
    if not len(array):
        return np.array([], dtype=int)
    cols = tuple(zip(*(natsort_key(x) for x in array)))
    return np.lexsort(cols[::-1])  # numpy's lexsort is ass-backwards

def _find_block_span(arr, val):
    """Find the first and the last occurence + 1 of the value in the array."""
    # it can be done via bisection, but for now BRUTE FORCE
    block_idxs = np.where(arr == val)[0]
    lo, hi = block_idxs[0], block_idxs[-1] + 1
    return lo, hi

[docs] def interweave(a, b): """ Interweave two arrays. Parameters ---------- a, b : numpy.ndarray Arrays to interweave, must have the same length/ Returns ------- out : numpy.ndarray Array of interweaved values from a and b. Notes ----- From """ out = np.empty((a.size + b.size,), dtype=a.dtype) out[0::2] = a out[1::2] = b return out
[docs] def sum_slices(arr, starts, ends): """ Calculate sums of slices of an array. Parameters ---------- arr : numpy.ndarray starts : numpy.ndarray Starts for each slice ends : numpy.ndarray Stops for each slice Returns ------- sums : numpy.ndarray Sums of the slices. """ sums = np.add.reduceat(arr, interweave(starts, ends))[::2] sums[starts == ends] = 0 return sums
[docs] def arange_multi(starts, stops=None, lengths=None): """ Create concatenated ranges of integers for multiple start/length. Parameters ---------- starts : numpy.ndarray Starts for each range stops : numpy.ndarray Stops for each range lengths : numpy.ndarray Lengths for each range. Either stops or lengths must be provided. Returns ------- concat_ranges : numpy.ndarray Concatenated ranges. Notes ----- See the following illustrative example: starts = np.array([1, 3, 4, 6]) stops = np.array([1, 5, 7, 6]) print arange_multi(starts, lengths) >>> [3 4 4 5 6] From: """ if (stops is None) == (lengths is None): raise ValueError("Either stops or lengths must be provided!") if lengths is None: lengths = stops - starts if np.isscalar(starts): starts = np.full(len(stops), starts) # Repeat start position index length times and concatenate cat_start = np.repeat(starts, lengths) # Create group counter that resets for each start/length cat_counter = np.arange(lengths.sum()) - np.repeat( lengths.cumsum() - lengths, lengths ) # Add group counter to group specific starts cat_range = cat_start + cat_counter return cat_range
def _check_overlap(starts1, ends1, starts2, ends2, closed=False): """ Take pairs of intervals and test if each pair has an overlap. Parameters ---------- starts1, ends1, starts2, ends2 : numpy.ndarray Interval coordinates. All four arrays must have the same size. Warning: if provided as pandas.Series, indices will be ignored. closed : bool If True then treat intervals as closed and accept single-point overlaps. Returns ------- have_overlap : numpy.ndarray A boolean array where the i-th element says if the i-th interval in set 1 overlaps the i-th interval in set 2. """ if not (starts1.size == ends1.size == starts2.size == ends2.size): raise ValueError("All four input arrays must have the same size.") if closed: return (starts1 <= ends2) & (starts2 <= ends1) else: return (starts1 < ends2) & (starts2 < ends1) def _size_overlap(starts1, ends1, starts2, ends2): """ Take pairs of intervals and return the length of an overlap in each pair. Parameters ---------- starts1, ends1, starts2, ends2 : numpy.ndarray Interval coordinates. All four arrays must have the same size. Warning: if provided as pandas.Series, indices will be ignored. Returns ------- overlap_size : numpy.ndarray An array where the i-th element contains the length of an overlap between the i-th interval in set 1 and the i-th interval in set 2. 0 if the intervals overlap by a single point, -1 if they do not overlap. """ overlap_size = np.minimum(ends1, ends2) - np.maximum(starts1, starts2) overlap_size[overlap_size < 0] = -1 return overlap_size def _overlap_intervals_legacy(starts1, ends1, starts2, ends2, closed=False, sort=False): """ Take two sets of intervals and return the indices of pairs of overlapping intervals. Parameters ---------- starts1, ends1, starts2, ends2 : numpy.ndarray Interval coordinates. Warning: if provided as pandas.Series, indices will be ignored. closed : bool If True, then treat intervals as closed and report single-point overlaps. Returns ------- overlap_ids : numpy.ndarray An Nx2 array containing the indices of pairs of overlapping intervals. The 1st column contains ids from the 1st set, the 2nd column has ids from the 2nd set. """ for vec in [starts1, ends1, starts2, ends2]: if isinstance(vec, pd.Series): warnings.warn( "One of the inputs is provided as pandas.Series and its index " "will be ignored.", SyntaxWarning, ) starts1 = np.asarray(starts1) ends1 = np.asarray(ends1) starts2 = np.asarray(starts2) ends2 = np.asarray(ends2) # Concatenate intervals lists n1 = len(starts1) n2 = len(starts2) starts = np.concatenate([starts1, starts2]) ends = np.concatenate([ends1, ends2]) # Encode interval ids as 1-based, # negative ids for the 1st set, positive ids for 2nd set ids = np.concatenate([-np.arange(1, n1 + 1), np.arange(1, n2 + 1)]) # Sort all intervals together order = np.lexsort([ends, starts]) starts, ends, ids = starts[order], ends[order], ids[order] # Find interval overlaps match_starts = np.arange(0, n1 + n2) match_ends = np.searchsorted(starts, ends, "right" if closed else "left") # Ignore self-overlaps match_mask = match_ends > match_starts + 1 match_starts, match_ends = match_starts[match_mask], match_ends[match_mask] # Restore overlap_ids = np.vstack( [ np.repeat(ids[match_starts], match_ends - match_starts - 1), ids[arange_multi(match_starts + 1, match_ends)], ] ).T # Drop same-set overlaps overlap_ids = overlap_ids[overlap_ids[:, 0] * overlap_ids[:, 1] <= 0] # Flip overlaps, such that the 1st column contains ids from the 1st set, # the 2nd column contains ids from the 2nd set. overlap_ids.sort(axis=-1) # Restore original indexes, overlap_ids[:, 0] = overlap_ids[:, 0] * (-1) - 1 overlap_ids[:, 1] = overlap_ids[:, 1] - 1 # Sort overlaps according to the 1st if sort: overlap_ids = overlap_ids[np.lexsort([overlap_ids[:, 1], overlap_ids[:, 0]])] return overlap_ids def _convert_points_to_len1_segments(starts, ends): """ Convert points to len1 segments for internal use in overlap(). This enables desired overlap behavior for points and preserves behavior for semi-open intervals of len>=1. Parameters ---------- starts, ends : numpy.ndarray Returns ------- pseudo_ends : numpy.ndarray An array of pseudo-ends for overlapping intervals. """ pseudo_ends = ends.copy() pseudo_ends[ends == starts] += 1 return [starts, pseudo_ends]
[docs] def overlap_intervals(starts1, ends1, starts2, ends2, closed=False, sort=False): """ Take two sets of intervals and return the indices of pairs of overlapping intervals. Parameters ---------- starts1, ends1, starts2, ends2 : numpy.ndarray Interval coordinates. Warning: if provided as pandas.Series, indices will be ignored. closed : bool If True, then treat intervals as closed and report single-point overlaps. Returns ------- overlap_ids : numpy.ndarray An Nx2 array containing the indices of pairs of overlapping intervals. The 1st column contains ids from the 1st set, the 2nd column has ids from the 2nd set. """ for vec in [starts1, ends1, starts2, ends2]: if isinstance(vec, pd.Series): warnings.warn( "One of the inputs is provided as pandas.Series and its index " "will be ignored.", SyntaxWarning, ) starts1 = np.asarray(starts1) ends1 = np.asarray(ends1) starts1, ends1 = _convert_points_to_len1_segments(starts1, ends1) starts2 = np.asarray(starts2) ends2 = np.asarray(ends2) starts2, ends2 = _convert_points_to_len1_segments(starts2, ends2) # Concatenate intervals lists n1 = len(starts1) n2 = len(starts2) ids1 = np.arange(0, n1) ids2 = np.arange(0, n2) # Sort all intervals together order1 = np.lexsort([ends1, starts1]) order2 = np.lexsort([ends2, starts2]) starts1, ends1, ids1 = starts1[order1], ends1[order1], ids1[order1] starts2, ends2, ids2 = starts2[order2], ends2[order2], ids2[order2] # Find interval overlaps match_2in1_starts = np.searchsorted(starts2, starts1, "left") match_2in1_ends = np.searchsorted(starts2, ends1, "right" if closed else "left") # "right" is intentional here to avoid duplication match_1in2_starts = np.searchsorted(starts1, starts2, "right") match_1in2_ends = np.searchsorted(starts1, ends2, "right" if closed else "left") # Ignore self-overlaps match_2in1_mask = match_2in1_ends > match_2in1_starts match_1in2_mask = match_1in2_ends > match_1in2_starts match_2in1_starts, match_2in1_ends = ( match_2in1_starts[match_2in1_mask], match_2in1_ends[match_2in1_mask], ) match_1in2_starts, match_1in2_ends = ( match_1in2_starts[match_1in2_mask], match_1in2_ends[match_1in2_mask], ) # Generate IDs of pairs of overlapping intervals overlap_ids = np.block( [ [ np.repeat(ids1[match_2in1_mask], match_2in1_ends - match_2in1_starts)[ :, None ], ids2[arange_multi(match_2in1_starts, match_2in1_ends)][:, None], ], [ ids1[arange_multi(match_1in2_starts, match_1in2_ends)][:, None], np.repeat(ids2[match_1in2_mask], match_1in2_ends - match_1in2_starts)[ :, None ], ], ] ) if sort: # Sort overlaps according to the 1st overlap_ids = overlap_ids[np.lexsort([overlap_ids[:, 1], overlap_ids[:, 0]])] return overlap_ids
[docs] def overlap_intervals_outer(starts1, ends1, starts2, ends2, closed=False): """ Take two sets of intervals and return the indices of pairs of overlapping intervals, as well as the indices of the intervals that do not overlap any other interval. Parameters ---------- starts1, ends1, starts2, ends2 : numpy.ndarray Interval coordinates. Warning: if provided as pandas.Series, indices will be ignored. closed : bool If True, then treat intervals as closed and report single-point overlaps. Returns ------- overlap_ids : numpy.ndarray An Nx2 array containing the indices of pairs of overlapping intervals. The 1st column contains ids from the 1st set, the 2nd column has ids from the 2nd set. no_overlap_ids1, no_overlap_ids2 : numpy.ndarray Two 1D arrays containing the indices of intervals in sets 1 and 2 respectively that do not overlap with any interval in the other set. """ ovids = overlap_intervals(starts1, ends1, starts2, ends2, closed=closed) no_overlap_ids1 = np.where( np.bincount(ovids[:, 0], minlength=starts1.shape[0]) == 0 )[0] no_overlap_ids2 = np.where( np.bincount(ovids[:, 1], minlength=starts2.shape[0]) == 0 )[0] return ovids, no_overlap_ids1, no_overlap_ids2
[docs] def merge_intervals(starts, ends, min_dist=0): """ Merge overlapping intervals. Parameters ---------- starts, ends : numpy.ndarray Interval coordinates. Warning: if provided as pandas.Series, indices will be ignored. min_dist : float or None If provided, merge intervals separated by this distance or less. If None, do not merge non-overlapping intervals. Using min_dist=0 and min_dist=None will bring different results. bioframe uses semi-open intervals, so interval pairs [0,1) and [1,2) do not overlap, but are separated by a distance of 0. Such intervals are not merged when min_dist=None, but are merged when min_dist=0. Returns ------- cluster_ids : numpy.ndarray The indices of interval clusters that each interval belongs to. cluster_starts : numpy.ndarray cluster_ends : numpy.ndarray The spans of the merged intervals. Notes ----- From """ for vec in [starts, ends]: if isinstance(vec, pd.Series): warnings.warn( "One of the inputs is provided as pandas.Series and its index " "will be ignored.", SyntaxWarning, ) starts = np.asarray(starts) ends = np.asarray(ends) order = np.lexsort([ends, starts]) starts, ends = starts[order], ends[order] ends = np.maximum.accumulate(ends) cluster_borders = np.zeros(len(starts) + 1, dtype=bool) cluster_borders[0] = True cluster_borders[-1] = True if min_dist is not None: cluster_borders[1:-1] = starts[1:] > ends[:-1] + min_dist else: cluster_borders[1:-1] = starts[1:] >= ends[:-1] cluster_ids_sorted = np.cumsum(cluster_borders)[:-1] - 1 cluster_ids = np.full(starts.shape[0], -1) cluster_ids[order] = cluster_ids_sorted cluster_starts = starts[:][cluster_borders[:-1]] cluster_ends = ends[:][cluster_borders[1:]] return cluster_ids, cluster_starts, cluster_ends
def complement_intervals( starts, ends, bounds=(0, np.iinfo(np.int64).max), ): _, merged_starts, merged_ends = merge_intervals(starts, ends, min_dist=0) lo = np.searchsorted(merged_ends, bounds[0], "right") hi = np.searchsorted(merged_starts, bounds[1], "left") merged_starts = merged_starts[lo:hi] merged_ends = merged_ends[lo:hi] # Trim the complement to the bounds. complement_starts = np.r_[bounds[0], merged_ends] complement_ends = np.r_[merged_starts, bounds[1]] lo = 1 if (complement_starts[0] >= complement_ends[0]) else 0 hi = -1 if (complement_starts[-1] >= complement_ends[-1]) else None complement_starts = complement_starts[lo:hi] complement_ends = complement_ends[lo:hi] return complement_starts, complement_ends def _closest_intervals_nooverlap( starts1, ends1, starts2, ends2, direction, tie_arr=None, k=1 ): """ For every interval in set 1, return the indices of k closest intervals from set 2 to the left from the interval (with smaller coordinate). Overlapping intervals from set 2 are not reported, unless they overlap by a single point. Parameters ---------- starts1, ends1, starts2, ends2 : numpy.ndarray Interval coordinates. Warning: if provided as pandas.Series, indices will be ignored. direction : str ("left" or "right") Orientation of closest interval search tie_arr : numpy.ndarray or None Extra data describing intervals in set 2 to break ties when multiple intervals are located at the same distance. An interval with the *lowest* value is selected. k : int The number of neighbors to report. Returns ------- ids: numpy.ndarray One Nx2 array containing the indices of pairs of closest intervals, reported for the neighbors in specified direction (by genomic coordinate). The two columns are the inteval ids from set 1, ids of the closest intevals from set 2. """ for vec in [starts1, ends1, starts2, ends2]: if isinstance(vec, pd.Series): warnings.warn( "One of the inputs is provided as pandas.Series " "and its index will be ignored.", SyntaxWarning, ) starts1 = np.asarray(starts1) ends1 = np.asarray(ends1) starts2 = np.asarray(starts2) ends2 = np.asarray(ends2) n1 = starts1.shape[0] n2 = starts2.shape[0] ids = np.zeros((0, 2), dtype=int) if k > 0 and direction == "left": if tie_arr is None: ends2_sort_order = np.argsort(ends2) else: ends2_sort_order = np.lexsort([-tie_arr, ends2]) ids2_endsorted = np.arange(0, n2)[ends2_sort_order] ends2_sorted = ends2[ends2_sort_order] left_closest_endidx = np.searchsorted(ends2_sorted, starts1, "right") left_closest_startidx = np.maximum(left_closest_endidx - k, 0) int1_ids = np.repeat(np.arange(n1), left_closest_endidx - left_closest_startidx) int2_sorted_ids = arange_multi(left_closest_startidx, left_closest_endidx) ids = np.vstack( [ int1_ids, ids2_endsorted[int2_sorted_ids], # ends2_sorted[int2_sorted_ids] - starts1[int1_ids], # arange_multi(left_closest_startidx - left_closest_endidx, 0) ] ).T elif k > 0 and direction == "right": if tie_arr is None: starts2_sort_order = np.argsort(starts2) else: starts2_sort_order = np.lexsort([tie_arr, starts2]) ids2_startsorted = np.arange(0, n2)[starts2_sort_order] starts2_sorted = starts2[starts2_sort_order] right_closest_startidx = np.searchsorted(starts2_sorted, ends1, "left") right_closest_endidx = np.minimum(right_closest_startidx + k, n2) int1_ids = np.repeat( np.arange(n1), right_closest_endidx - right_closest_startidx ) int2_sorted_ids = arange_multi(right_closest_startidx, right_closest_endidx) ids = np.vstack( [ int1_ids, ids2_startsorted[int2_sorted_ids], # starts2_sorted[int2_sorted_ids] - ends1[int1_ids], # arange_multi(1, right_closest_endidx - # right_closest_startidx + 1) ] ).T return ids
[docs] def closest_intervals( starts1, ends1, starts2=None, ends2=None, k=1, tie_arr=None, ignore_overlaps=False, ignore_upstream=False, ignore_downstream=False, direction=None, ): """ For every interval in set 1, return the indices of k closest intervals from set 2. Parameters ---------- starts1, ends1, starts2, ends2 : numpy.ndarray Interval coordinates. Warning: if provided as pandas.Series, indices will be ignored. If start2 and ends2 are None, find closest intervals within the same set. k : int The number of neighbors to report. tie_arr : numpy.ndarray or None Extra data describing intervals in set 2 to break ties when multiple intervals are located at the same distance. Intervals with *lower* tie_arr values will be given priority. ignore_overlaps : bool If True, ignore set 2 intervals that overlap with set 1 intervals. ignore_upstream, ignore_downstream : bool If True, ignore set 2 intervals upstream/downstream of set 1 intervals. direction : numpy.ndarray with dtype bool or None Strand vector to define the upstream/downstream orientation of the intervals. Returns ------- closest_ids : numpy.ndarray An Nx2 array containing the indices of pairs of closest intervals. The 1st column contains ids from the 1st set, the 2nd column has ids from the 2nd set. """ # Get overlapping intervals: if ignore_overlaps: overlap_ids = np.zeros((0, 2), dtype=int) elif (starts2 is None) and (ends2 is None): starts2, ends2 = starts1, ends1 overlap_ids = overlap_intervals(starts1, ends1, starts2, ends2) overlap_ids = overlap_ids[overlap_ids[:, 0] != overlap_ids[:, 1]] else: overlap_ids = overlap_intervals(starts1, ends1, starts2, ends2) # Get non-overlapping intervals: n = len(starts1) all_ids = np.arange(n) # + directed intervals ids_left_upstream = _closest_intervals_nooverlap( starts1[direction], ends1[direction], starts2, ends2, direction="left", tie_arr=tie_arr, k=0 if ignore_upstream else k, ) ids_right_downstream = _closest_intervals_nooverlap( starts1[direction], ends1[direction], starts2, ends2, direction="right", tie_arr=tie_arr, k=0 if ignore_downstream else k, ) # - directed intervals ids_right_upstream = _closest_intervals_nooverlap( starts1[~direction], ends1[~direction], starts2, ends2, direction="right", tie_arr=tie_arr, k=0 if ignore_upstream else k, ) ids_left_downstream = _closest_intervals_nooverlap( starts1[~direction], ends1[~direction], starts2, ends2, direction="left", tie_arr=tie_arr, k=0 if ignore_downstream else k, ) # Reconstruct original indexes (b/c we split regions by direction above) ids_left_upstream[:, 0] = all_ids[direction][ids_left_upstream[:, 0]] ids_right_downstream[:, 0] = all_ids[direction][ids_right_downstream[:, 0]] ids_left_downstream[:, 0] = all_ids[~direction][ids_left_downstream[:, 0]] ids_right_upstream[:, 0] = all_ids[~direction][ids_right_upstream[:, 0]] left_ids = np.concatenate([ids_left_upstream, ids_left_downstream]) right_ids = np.concatenate([ids_right_upstream, ids_right_downstream]) # Increase the distance by 1 to distinguish between overlapping # and non-overlapping set 2 intervals. left_dists = starts1[left_ids[:, 0]] - ends2[left_ids[:, 1]] + 1 right_dists = starts2[right_ids[:, 1]] - ends1[right_ids[:, 0]] + 1 closest_ids = np.vstack([left_ids, right_ids, overlap_ids]) closest_dists = np.concatenate( [left_dists, right_dists, np.zeros(overlap_ids.shape[0])] ) if len(closest_ids) == 0: return np.empty((0, 2), dtype=int) # Sort by distance to set 1 intervals and, if present, by the tie-breaking # data array. if tie_arr is None: order = np.lexsort([closest_ids[:, 1], closest_dists, closest_ids[:, 0]]) else: order = np.lexsort( [closest_ids[:, 1], tie_arr, closest_dists, closest_ids[:, 0]] ) closest_ids = closest_ids[order, :2] # For each set 1 interval, select up to k closest neighbours. interval1_run_border_mask = closest_ids[:-1, 0] != closest_ids[1:, 0] interval1_run_borders = np.where(np.r_[True, interval1_run_border_mask, True])[0] interval1_run_starts = interval1_run_borders[:-1] interval1_run_ends = interval1_run_borders[1:] closest_ids = closest_ids[ arange_multi( interval1_run_starts, lengths=np.minimum(k, interval1_run_ends - interval1_run_starts), ) ] return closest_ids
def coverage_intervals_rle(starts, ends, weights=None): n = starts.shape[0] if weights is None: weights = np.ones(n, dtype=np.int64) borders = np.r_[starts, ends] coverage_change = np.r_[weights, -1 * weights] borders_order = np.argsort(borders) borders = borders[borders_order] coverage = np.cumsum(coverage_change[borders_order]) return borders, coverage def stack_intervals(starts, ends): n = starts.shape[0] borders = np.r_[starts, ends] lens = np.r_[ends - starts, ends - starts] border_types = np.r_[np.ones_like(starts), -1 * np.ones_like(ends)] border_ids = np.r_[np.arange(1, n + 1), -1 * np.arange(1, n + 1)] border_order = np.lexsort([-lens, border_types, borders]) borders, border_ids = borders[border_order], border_ids[border_order] occupancy = np.zeros(2, dtype=bool) levels = -1 * np.ones(n, dtype=np.int64) for border, border_id in zip(borders, border_ids): interval_id = np.abs(border_id) - 1 if border_id > 0: if occupancy.sum() == occupancy.shape[0]: occupancy = np.r_[occupancy, np.zeros_like(occupancy)] new_level = np.where(~occupancy)[0][0] levels[interval_id] = new_level occupancy[new_level] = True if border_id < 0: occupancy[levels[interval_id]] = False return levels