How to: assign ChIP-seq peaks to genes

This tutorial demonstrates one way to assign CTCF ChIP-seq peaks to the nearest genes using bioframe.

import bioframe
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
base_dir = '/tmp/bioframe_tutorial_data/'
assembly = 'hg38'

Load chromosome sizes

chromsizes = bioframe.fetch_chromsizes(assembly)
chr21     46709983
chr22     50818468
chrX     156040895
chrY      57227415
chrM         16569
Name: length, dtype: int64
chromosomes = bioframe.make_viewframe(chromsizes)

Load CTCF ChIP-seq peaks for HFF from ENCODE

This approach makes use of the narrowPeak schema for bioframe.read_table .

ctcf_peaks = bioframe.read_table("", schema='narrowPeak')
chrom start end name score strand fc -log10p -log10q relSummit
0 chr19 48309541 48309911 . 1000 . 5.04924 -1.0 0.00438 185
1 chr4 130563716 130564086 . 993 . 5.05052 -1.0 0.00432 185
2 chr1 200622507 200622877 . 591 . 5.05489 -1.0 0.00400 185
3 chr5 112848447 112848817 . 869 . 5.05841 -1.0 0.00441 185
4 chr1 145960616 145960986 . 575 . 5.05955 -1.0 0.00439 185
# Filter for selected chromosomes:
ctcf_peaks = bioframe.overlap(ctcf_peaks, chromosomes).dropna(subset=['name_'])[ctcf_peaks.columns]

Get list of genes from UCSC

UCSC genes are stored in .gtf format.

genes_url = ''
genes = bioframe.read_table(genes_url, schema='gtf').query('feature=="CDS"')


## Note this functions to parse the attributes of the genes:
# import bioframe.sandbox.gtf_io
# genes_attr = bioframe.sandbox.gtf_io.parse_gtf_attributes(genes['attributes'])
chrom source feature start end score strand frame attributes
47 chr1 ensGene CDS 69091 70005 . + 0 gene_id "ENSG00000186092"; transcript_id "ENST...
112 chr1 ensGene CDS 182709 182746 . + 0 gene_id "ENSG00000279928"; transcript_id "ENST...
114 chr1 ensGene CDS 183114 183240 . + 1 gene_id "ENSG00000279928"; transcript_id "ENST...
116 chr1 ensGene CDS 183922 184155 . + 0 gene_id "ENSG00000279928"; transcript_id "ENST...
122 chr1 ensGene CDS 185220 185350 . - 2 gene_id "ENSG00000279457"; transcript_id "ENST...
# Filter for selected chromosomes:
genes = bioframe.overlap(genes, chromosomes).dropna(subset=['name_'])[genes.columns]

Assign each peak to the gene


Default closests

Here, we want to assign each peak (feature) to a gene (input table).

peaks_closest = bioframe.closest(genes, ctcf_peaks)
# Plot the distribution of distances from peaks to genes: 
plt.hist( peaks_closest['distance'], np.arange(0, 1e3, 10));
plt.xlim( [0, 1e3] )
(0.0, 1000.0)

Ignore upstream/downstream peaks from genes (strand-indifferent version)

Sometimes you may want to ignore all the CTCFs upstream from the genes.

By default, bioframe.overlap does not know the orintation of the genes, and thus assumes that the upstream/downstream is defined by the genomic coordinate (upstream is the direction towards the smaller coordinate):

Closests with ignoring

peaks_closest_upstream_nodir = bioframe.closest(genes, ctcf_peaks, 

peaks_closest_downstream_nodir = bioframe.closest(genes, ctcf_peaks, 

Note that distribution did not change much, and upstream and downstream distances are very similar:

plt.hist( peaks_closest_upstream_nodir['distance'], np.arange(0, 1e4, 100), alpha=0.5, label="upstream");
plt.hist( peaks_closest_downstream_nodir['distance'], np.arange(0, 1e4, 100), alpha=0.5, label="downstream");
plt.xlim( [0, 1e4] )
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f0eaf129420>

Ignore upstream/downstream peaks from genes (strand-aware version)

More biologically relevant approach will be to define upstream/downstream by strand of the gene. CTCF upstream of transcription start site might play different role than CTCF after transcription end site.

bioframe.closest has the parameter direction_col to control for that:

Closests with smart ignoring

# Note that "strand" here is the column name in genes table:
peaks_closest_upstream_dir = bioframe.closest(genes, ctcf_peaks, 

peaks_closest_downstream_dir = bioframe.closest(genes, ctcf_peaks, 
plt.hist( peaks_closest_upstream_dir['distance'], np.arange(0, 1e4, 100), alpha=0.5, label="upstream");
plt.hist( peaks_closest_downstream_dir['distance'], np.arange(0, 1e4, 100), alpha=0.5, label="downstream");
plt.xlim( [0, 1e4] )
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f0eb839b610>

CTCF peaks upstream of the genes are more enriched at short distances to TSS, if we take the strand into account.